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2011年6月21日 星期二

Talking Talking Santa Santa Claus v1.1.5

Talking Santa is a repeat speak to emulate the sound of Santa Claus, you can use the great snowball pressure main Santa Claus or father Christmas some milk and cookies, slapped pain or itch can also stamp Santa Claus, but if Santa Claus angry, you will not get Christmas presents! The Android game support sending Christmas cards tailored to a friend, can record video

"Mobile phone paradise game reviews"
Tom and cat fun game that is similar, but the protagonist is Santa Clausandroid game emulator


Talking Talking Santa Santa v1.1.5-Android phone ... more preview; Game name: talking Talking Santa Santa Claus v1.1.5; Tariff Tip: free; Game format: APK; Games category: Entertainment Thu, 09 Jun 2011 08:48:00 GMTandroid game emulator

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