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2011年6月19日 星期日

Begins! Formula One racing v1.03

In the State of game development, and the warm of the hot springs in iOS and Android platform after the dahongdazi, Kairosoft strike while, launched the opening! Android version of formula one racing, hasnt played the game of the company the students attention, be sure not to miss this series of games and excellent game!!
From Japanese manufacturers Kairosoft (Cairo) opening of the companys latest business game! Landing of Grand Prix racing took the lead in Android platform! Here, you will be running a racing team, through training, sponsorship, and a series of acquisitions to make growing your team! To become the countrys most outstanding racing team.

"Mobile phone paradise game reviews"
Because of the problem with the game itself, is only part of the Chinese version. Some models may run automatically when you game emulator


Opening-race Grand Prix of the Chinese version v1.03 (open curtain!! パ ド ッ ク GP ... menu of LITE Edition of formula one racing finished, so Chun son immediately rushed to the scene to invite to a Chinese group okm1888, finally took out this the opening today! Formula One racing is not completely ... Sun, 05 Jun 2011 17:14:00 GMT

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