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2011年6月21日 星期二

Music racing 2 Rhythm Racer 2 v1.0

With cool music, control the wars impact in front of the ball as much as possible to score points.
Is a perfect combination of speed car racing and Super dynamic interactive music City racing game!

"Mobile phone paradise game reviews"
A comparison of popular music on the iPhone kind of racing game, game of creative good, the picture is also very good. But 38m games package is relatively game emulator


Music Express 2 Rhythm Racer 2 racing v1.0_ racing _ caused by fans (Android) Racer 2 (music Express 2, also known as music racing 2) is a music racing game from transplant on iOS platforms, the game and on the PC side of Audiosurf (surf music) is very similar. Sun, 29 May 2011 03:17:00 GMTandroid game emulator

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